

全点対間最短路(all-pairs shortest-path)


/** Results of All-Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) Algorithm */
public static class APSPResult{
	private int[][] dist; // dist[d]:= shortest path to d
	private int[][] prev; // back pointers
	private boolean hasNegativeCycle;
	public APSPResult(int[][] dist, int[][] prev, boolean hasNegativeCycle){ set(dist, prev, hasNegativeCycle); }
	final private void set(int[][] dist, int[][] prev, boolean hasNegativeCycle){ this.dist = dist; this.prev = prev; this.hasNegativeCycle = hasNegativeCycle; }
	final public int getDist(int i, int j){ return dist[i][j]; }
	final public int getPrev(int i, int j){ return prev[i][j]; }
	final public boolean isNegativeCycle(){ return hasNegativeCycle; }
	 * builds the shortest path from results of All-Pairs Shortest Path (APSP) Algorithm<br>
	 * @param s	source node
	 * @param d	destination node
	 * @return	the shortest path from s to d
	public List<Integer> buildPath(int s, int d){
		LinkedList<Integer> path = new LinkedList<Integer>();
		if(dist[s][d] < INF) for(int u = d; u >= 0; u = prev[s][u]) path.addFirst(u);
		return path;

Floyd-Warshall法(Floyd-Warshall algorithm)

簡単、お手軽、 O(|V|^3)。負の辺があってもおk。
負の閉路がある \rightarrow \exists i:dist(i,i) < 0

 * Gets all-pairs shortest distances and back pointers for building a shortest path 
 * via Floyd-Warshall algorithm(O(|V|^3)).<br>
 * @param G	adjacency matrix(|V|×|V|) (※edge weights can be negative)
 * @return	APSPResult
public static APSPResult FloydWarshall(int[][] G){
	int n = G.length;
	int[][] prev = new int[n][n], dist = new int[n][n];
	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
		System.arraycopy(G[i], 0, dist[i], 0, n);
		dist[i][i] = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j) prev[i][j] = (G[i][j] != INF ? i : -1);
	for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k){
		for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
			if(dist[i][k] >= INF) continue;
			for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
				int newDist = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j];
				if(dist[i][j] > newDist){
					dist[i][j] = newDist;
					prev[i][j] = prev[k][j];
	boolean hasNegativeCycle = false;
	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(dist[i][i] < 0){ hasNegativeCycle = true; break; }
	return new APSPResult(dist, prev, hasNegativeCycle);

Jhonson法(Jhonson's algorithm)

 O(|V|^2+|V||E|\log |V|)で全点対間最短距離を求める。こっちも負辺があってもおk。
密グラフなら O(|V|^3\log |V|)になるので、Floyd-Warshall法の方が良い。

  • 前処理 O(|V||E|)

グラフ G(V, E)に超頂点 s'を追加したグラフ G'(V\cup \{s'\}, E\cup \{ (s',v)| v\in V \})を作り、 G'に対して、 s'を始点とする単一始点最短路距離 h(v\in V)をBellman-Ford法で求める。

  • 中間処理 O(|V||E|\log |V|)

辺の重み weight(i,j)に対し、 weight'(i,j) = weight(i,j) + h(i) - h(j)でバイアスをかけて、Dijkstra法で全点対間最短距離 dist'(s,d)を求める。

  • 後処理 O(|V|^2)

バイアスをかけた分を元に戻す。 dist(s,d) = dist'(s,d) -(h(s) - h(d))

前処理は要するに、 dist(v\in V)=0と初期化してBellman-Ford法を使うということ。

 * Gets all-pairs shortest distances and back pointers for building a shortest path 
 * Via Johnson's algorithm(O(|V|^2 + |V||E|log|V|)).<br>
 * @param list	adjacency list (※edge weights can be negative)
 * @return	APSPResult
public static APSPResult Johnson(List<List<Edge>> list){
	int n = list.size();
	int[] h = new int[n]; Arrays.fill(h, 0);
	//Via Bellman-Ford, detect negative cycle and bias(w'(i,j) = w(i,j) + h(i) - h(j))
	boolean hasNegativeCycle = false, updated = true;
	for(int k = 1; k <= n && updated; ++k){
		hasNegativeCycle = (k==n);
		updated = false;
		for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
			for(Edge e: list.get(i)){
				int newDist = h[e.s] + e.w;
				if(h[e.d] > newDist){
					h[e.d] = newDist;
					updated = true;
					if(hasNegativeCycle) return new APSPResult(null, null, true);
	int[][] dist = new int[n][n], prev = new int[n][n];
	for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ Arrays.fill(dist[i], INF); Arrays.fill(prev[i], -1); }
	for(int s = 0; s < n; ++s){
		PriorityQueue<Edge> q = new PriorityQueue<Edge>(n*n);
		dist[s][s] = 0;
		q.add(new Edge(-1, s, 0));
			Edge p = q.poll();
			int v = p.d;
			if(prev[s][v] != -1) continue;
			prev[s][v] = p.s;
			for(final Edge u: list.get(v)){
				int newDist = dist[s][v] + u.w + (h[u.s] - h[u.d]); //h[u.s] - h[u.d]: bias
				if(dist[s][u.d] > newDist){
					dist[s][u.d] = newDist;
					q.add(new Edge(u.s, u.d, dist[s][u.d]));
		for(int d = 0; d < n; ++d) dist[s][d] -= (h[s] - h[d]); //convert into non-biased distances.
	return new APSPResult(dist, prev, true);