Overlaps of Seals(AOJ No.0090)
Overlaps of Seals(AOJ No.0090)
import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.*; public class aoj0090 { static final Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in); public static void main(String[] args) { while(true){ int n = stdin.nextInt(); stdin.nextLine(); if(n==0) break; TreeMap<Point, Integer> map = new TreeMap<Point, Integer>(); for(int i = 0; i<n; ++i){ String[] line = stdin.nextLine().split(","); Point p = new Point(Double.parseDouble(line[0]), Double.parseDouble(line[1])); if(map.containsKey(p)) map.put(p, map.get(p)+1); else map.put(p, 1); } System.out.println(solve(map)); } } static int solve(TreeMap<Point, Integer> map){ int n = map.size(); int res = 0; Point[] in = new Point[n]; in = map.keySet().toArray(in); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ if(res < map.get(in[i])) res = map.get(in[i]); for(int j = i + 1; j < n; ++j){ ArrayList<Point> crossPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); int r = new Circle(in[i], 1).positionalRelation(new Circle(in[j], 1)).ordinal(); if( r >= PosRelation.Circumscribed.ordinal()){ Point ab = in[j].sub(in[i]); Point m = ab.div(2.0); Point mid = m.add(in[i]); //midpoint if(r == PosRelation.Circumscribed.ordinal()){ crossPoints.add(mid); }else{ Point nv = new Point(-(ab.y), ab.x).div(ab.norm()); //normal vector double k = Math.sqrt(1-m.normsq()); Point v1 = nv.mul(k).add(mid); Point v2 = nv.mul(-k).add(mid); crossPoints.add(v1); crossPoints.add(v2); } int temp = map.get(in[i]) + map.get(in[j]); for(Point p: crossPoints){ int count = temp; for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k){ if(k==i || k==j) continue; if(in[k].distance(p)<=1) count += map.get(in[k]); } if(res < count) res = count; } } } } return res; } enum PosRelation { Separated, Circumscribed, CrossAt2Point, Inscribed, FullIncluded; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class Point extends Point2D.Double implements Comparable<Point>{ //constructor public Point(double x, double y){ super(x,y); } public Point(Point p){ super(p.x, p.y); } public final double norm(){ return Math.sqrt( normsq() ); } public final double normsq(){ return x*x + y*y; } public final Point add(Point p){ return new Point( x + p.x, y + p.y ); } public final Point sub(Point p){ return new Point( x - p.x, y - p.y ); } public final Point mul(double k){ return new Point( k*x, k*y ); } public final Point div(double k){ return new Point( x/k, y/k ); } public final Point normalVector(){ double d = this.norm(); return new Point(-y/d, x/d); } public final int compareTo(Point o){ return (this.x != o.x) ? ( (this.x < o.x) ? -1 : 1 ) : ( (this.y < o.y) ? -1 : (this.y > o.y) ? 1 : 0 ); } } public static class Circle{ public final Point o; public double r; public Circle(Point o, double r){ this.o = new Point(o); this.r = r; } public final PosRelation positionalRelation(Circle c){ double d2 = o.distanceSq(c.o); double dp2 = (r + c.r)*(r + c.r); if(d2 > dp2) return PosRelation.Separated; if(d2 == dp2) return PosRelation.Circumscribed; double dn2 = (r - c.r)*(r - c.r); if(dn2 < d2) return PosRelation.CrossAt2Point; //d < dp if(d2 == dn2) return PosRelation.Inscribed; return PosRelation.FullIncluded; //d < dn } } }