The Last Door(AOJ No.0237)
The Last Door(AOJ No. 0237)
n個の2等辺三角形の座標(頂点座標x3)と 光の伸びる長さ dが与えられる。
0 < d < 1,001
0 < n < 101
2 点の距離が 0.01 以下の場合には、同一の点と処理する。
1 点とひとつの直線の距離が 0.01 以下の場合には、この点はこの直線上にあるとして処理する。
- iの辺とjの辺のが交差している(線分の交差判定)
- iがjの頂点を含んでいる または jがiの頂点を含んでいる(多角形と点の包含判定)
- iの辺とjの頂点との距離が0.01以下 または jの辺とiの頂点との距離が0.01以下(点と線分の距離)
import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.*; public class aoj0237 { static final Scanner stdin = new Scanner(; static final double eps = 0.01; enum SCCMethod { DFS1 { @Override List<Set<Integer>> getSCC(List<List<Edge>> adjList) { return getStronglyConnectedComponents(adjList);} }, DFS2 { @Override List<Set<Integer>> getSCC(List<List<Edge>> adjList) { return Kosaraju(adjList);} }; List<Set<Integer>> getSCC(List<List<Edge>> adjList) { return null; } } static SCCMethod method = SCCMethod.DFS2; public static void main(String[] args) { while (true) { int n = stdin.nextInt(), d = stdin.nextInt(); if ((n|d) == 0) break; T[] data = new T[n]; List<List<Edge>> adjList = new ArrayList<List<Edge>>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { data[i] = new T(new Point[]{ new Point(stdin.nextDouble(), stdin.nextDouble()), new Point(stdin.nextDouble(), stdin.nextDouble()), new Point(stdin.nextDouble(), stdin.nextDouble()) }, d); adjList.add(new ArrayList<Edge>()); } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) { if (i == j) continue; if (data[i].canConnect(data[j])) { adjList.get(i).add(new Edge(i, j)); } } List<Set<Integer>> sccs = method.getSCC(adjList); int k = sccs.size(), ans = 0, SCC[] = new int[n], indeg[] = new int[k]; for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) for (Integer v: sccs.get(i)) SCC[v] = i; for (List<Edge> l : adjList) for (Edge e : l) if (SCC[e.s] != SCC[e.d]) indeg[SCC[e.d]]++; for (int deg : indeg) if (deg == 0) ans++; System.out.println(ans); } } static class T { Line base, top; Point vertex; T(Point points[], int d) { //Line[] l = {new Line(p1, p2), new Line(p2, p3), new Line(p3, p1) }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (equal(points[i].distance(points[(i+1)%3]), points[i].distance(points[(i+2)%3]))) { vertex = points[i]; base = new Line(points[(i+1)%3], points[(i+2)%3]); Point nv = base.end.sub(base.start).normalVector(); int sign = 1; if (base.ccw(vertex) < 0) { sign = -1; } nv = nv.mul(sign * d); top = new Line(base.end.add(nv), base.start.add(nv)); return; } } } boolean canConnect(T t) { Line rect[] = { base, new Line(base.end, top.start), top, new Line(top.end, base.start) }; Line tri[] = { t.base, new Line(t.base.end, t.vertex), new Line(t.vertex, t.base.start) }; for (Line l1 : tri) for (Line l2 : rect) if (l1.intersectsSS(l2)) return true; Point prect[] = { base.start, base.end, top.start, top.end }; Point ptri[] = { t.base.start, t.base.end, t.vertex }; for (Point p: ptri) { if (contains(prect, p)) return true; for (Line l: rect) if (p.distancePS(l) <= eps) return true; } for (Point p: prect) { if (contains(ptri, p)) return true; for (Line l: tri) if (p.distancePS(l) <= eps) return true; } return false; } } //geom public static final double EPS = 1e-10; public static boolean equal(double a, double b){ return Math.abs(a-b) < EPS; } public static boolean less(double a, double b){ return a - b < -EPS; } public static boolean greater(double a, double b){ return less(b,a); } public static boolean leq(double a, double b){ return a - b < EPS; } @SuppressWarnings("serial") public static class Point extends Point2D.Double { public Point(double x, double y){ super(x,y); } public Point(Point p){ super(p.x, p.y); } public final double norm(){ return Math.sqrt( normsq() ); } public final double normsq(){ return x*x + y*y; } public final Point add(Point p){ return new Point( x + p.x, y + p.y ); } public final Point sub(Point p){ return new Point( x - p.x, y - p.y ); } public final Point mul(double k){ return new Point( k*x, k*y ); } public final Point div(double k){ return new Point( x/k, y/k ); } public final Point normalVector(){ double d = this.norm(); return new Point(-y/d, x/d); } public final double cross(Point p){ return x * p.y - y * p.x; } public final double dot(Point p){ return x * p.x + y * p.y; } public final int ccw(Point b, Point c) { Point ab = b.sub(this); Point ac = c.sub(this); if (greater(ab.cross(ac), 0)) return +1; // counter clockwise if (less(ab.cross(ac), 0)) return -1; // clockwise if (less(, 0)) return +2; // (c--a--b or b--a--c) on line if (less(ab.normsq(), ac.normsq())) return -2; // (a--b--c or c--b--a) on line (b≠c, includes a=b) return 0; // (a--c--b or b--c--a) on line (includes c=b, a=c, a=b=c) } public final Point projection(Line l){ Point a = l.dirV(); Point b = this.sub(l.start); return l.start.add(a.mul(; } public final double distancePS(Line s){ Point proj = projection(s); return proj.intersectsPS(s) ? distance(proj) : Math.min(distance(s.start), distance(s.end)); } public final boolean intersectsPS(Line s) { //return s.ccw(this) == 0; //これでもおk return equal(s.start.distance(this) + this.distance(s.end), s.end.distance(s.start)); //三角不等式で等号が成り立つとき } } //class Point public static class Line{ private final Point start, end; public Line(Point start, Point end){ this.start = new Point(start); this.end = new Point(end); } public final int ccw(Point p){ return start.ccw(end, p); } public Point dirV() { return end.sub(start); } //directional vector public final boolean intersectsSS(Line t) { return ccw(t.start) * ccw(t.end) <= 0 && t.ccw(start) * t.ccw(end) <= 0; } } //class Line public static boolean contains(Point[] polygon, Point p) { boolean in = false; for (int i = 0, n = polygon.length; i < n; ++i) { Point a = polygon[i].sub(p), b = polygon[(i+1)%n].sub(p); if (a.y > b.y){ Point temp = b; b = a; a = temp; } if (a.y <= 0 && 0 < b.y) if (a.cross(b) < 0) in = !in; //=0 -> a//b -> on if (equal(a.cross(b), 0) && leq(, 0)) return true; //on edge } return in; //in out } //scc public static class Edge { protected int s, d; public Edge(int s, int d){ this.s = s; this.d = d; } } public static List<List<Edge>> inverseAdjacencyList(List<List<Edge>> adjList) { int n = adjList.size(); List<List<Edge>> ret = new ArrayList<List<Edge>>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) ret.add(new ArrayList<Edge>()); for (List<Edge> l : adjList) for (Edge e : l) ret.get(e.d).add(new Edge(e.d, e.s)); return ret; } private static class SCCDFSArg { int num = 0; Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>(); boolean[] used; List<List<Edge>> adjList; SCCDFSArg(int numV, List<List<Edge>> adjList) { used = new boolean[numV]; this.adjList = adjList; } } public static List<Set<Integer>> Kosaraju(List<List<Edge>> adjList) { int n = adjList.size(); SCCDFSArg arg = new SCCDFSArg(n, adjList); for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) if (!arg.used[v]) postOrderNumbering(v, arg); Arrays.fill(arg.used, false); arg.adjList = inverseAdjacencyList(adjList); List<Set<Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); while (!arg.stack.isEmpty()) { int v = arg.stack.pop(); if (!arg.used[v]) { Set<Integer> scc = new HashSet<Integer>(); addSCC(v, arg, scc); ret.add(scc); arg.num++; //group number } } return ret; } private static void postOrderNumbering(int v, SCCDFSArg arg) { arg.used[v] = true; for (Edge e : arg.adjList.get(v)) if (!arg.used[e.d]) postOrderNumbering(e.d, arg); arg.stack.push(v); } private static void addSCC(int v, SCCDFSArg arg, Set<Integer> scc) { arg.used[v] = true; scc.add(v); for (Edge e : arg.adjList.get(v)) if (!arg.used[e.d]) addSCC(e.d, arg, scc); } public static List<Set<Integer>> getStronglyConnectedComponents(List<List<Edge>> adjList) { ArrayList<Set<Integer>> ret = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); int n = adjList.size(); int[] num = new int[n], low = new int[n]; SCCDFSArg arg = new SCCDFSArg(n, adjList); for (int v = 0; v < n; ++v) if (num[v] == 0) sccDFS(v, arg, low, num, ret); return ret; } private static void sccDFS(int v, SCCDFSArg arg, int[] low, int[] num, List<Set<Integer>> SCCs) { low[v] = num[v] = ++arg.num; //num[v]:= topological number of v. low[v]:= minimum topological number in SCC including v. arg.stack.push(v); arg.used[v] = true; //used[v] := whether arg.S contains v or not. for (Edge e: arg.adjList.get(v)) { if (num[e.d] == 0) { //case: e.d is non visited vertex sccDFS(e.d, arg, low, num, SCCs); low[v] = Math.min(low[v], low[e.d]); } else if (arg.used[e.d]) { //arg.used[e.d] == false -> has already created scc containing e.d. low[v] = Math.min(low[v], num[e.d]); } } if (low[v] == num[v]) { HashSet<Integer> scc = new HashSet<Integer>(); int sccV = 0; do { sccV = arg.stack.pop(); arg.used[sccV] = false; scc.add(sccV); } while (v != sccV); SCCs.add(scc); } } }