

オイラー路(Euler Path)

グラフ理論(Graph theory)

  • 周遊可能(traversable) : 多重グラフの全ての頂点を含み,各辺をちょうど1回だけ用いる歩道が存在する(一筆書きができるグラフ)。
  • オイラーグラフ(Eulerian graph) : オイラー小道が存在するグラフ
  • オイラーグラフ(semi-Eulerian graph) : 閉じてない周遊可能小道が存在するグラフ
  • 有限連結グラフがオイラーグラフ⇔各頂点が偶次数を持つ(奇頂点が0個)
  • 有限連結グラフが準オイラーグラフ⇔奇頂点が2個。(周遊可能小道は一方の奇頂点から始まり、他方の奇頂点で終わる。)
  • 3個以上の奇頂点を持つ多重グラフは周遊可能ではない


public static class UndirectedEG {
	private static class Result {
		int terminal1 = -1, terminal2 = -1, edgeNum = 0;
		public boolean isEulerGraph() { return terminal1 == -1 /*&& terminal2 == -1*/; }
	 * Calculates undirected (semi) Euler path. O(|E|)
	 * @param adjList 	adjacency list
	 * @param s		start node
	 * @return		Euler Path. emptyIntegerList -> Euler Path (with start node s) doesn't exists.
	public static final List<Integer> eulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int s) {
		return buildEulerPath(adjList, s, isEulerGraph(adjList));
	 * Calculates undirected (semi) Euler path.O(|E|)<br>
	 * @param adjList	adjacency List
	 * @param s		start node
	 * @param g		goal node
	 * @return		Euler Path. emptyList -> Euler Path (with start node s, goal node g) doesn't exists.
	public static final List<Integer> eulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int s, int g) {
		List<Integer> path = buildEulerPath(adjList, s, isEulerGraph(adjList));
		return !path.isEmpty() && path.get(path.size()-1) == g ? path : Collections.<Integer>emptyList();
	 * Calculates undirected (semi) Euler path.O(|E|)
	 * @param adjList	adjacency List
	 * @return		Euler Path. emptyList -> Euler Path (with start node s, goal node g) doesn't exists.
	public static List<Integer> eulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList) {
		Result res = isEulerGraph(adjList);
		return buildEulerPath(adjList, (res != null && !res.isEulerGraph() ? res.terminal1 : 0), res);
	 * Analyzes whether the undirected graph represented by specified adjacency list is (semi) Euler Graph or not.
	 * @param adjList	adjacency list
	 * @return		Result object or null if specified graph is not (semi) Euler graph.<br>
	 * 			※If target graph has Euler cycle, Result.terminal1 and Resultret.terminal2 are -1.
	public static final Result isEulerGraph(List<List<Edge>> adjList){
		int odd = 0, n = adjList.size();
		Result ret = new Result();
		for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
			int deg = 0;
			for (Edge e: adjList.get(i)) deg += (e.s == e.d ? 2 : 1);
			ret.edgeNum += deg;
			if((deg&1) == 1){
				if (ret.terminal1 == -1) ret.terminal1 = i;
				else ret.terminal2 = i;
		if (odd == 0 || odd == 2) {
			ret.edgeNum /= 2; //because include outer and inner degree.
			return ret;
		return null;
	 * Creates undirected (semi) Euler path.
	 * @param adjList	adjacency list
	 * @param s		source node
	 * @param result	        result of isEulerGraph()
	 * @return		(semi) Euler path or Empty list if Euler path (with start node s) doesn't exist.
	private static List<Integer> buildEulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int s, Result result){
		int n = adjList.size();
		if (result != null && (result.isEulerGraph() || (result.terminal1 == s || result.terminal2 == s))) {
			LinkedList<Integer> path = new LinkedList<Integer>();
			int[][] adj = new int[n][n];
			for(List<Edge> l: adjList) for(Edge e: l) ++adj[e.s][e.d];
			visit(adjList, adj, s, path);
			if(path.size() == result.edgeNum + 1) return path; //connected
		return Collections.emptyList();
	private static void visit(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int[][] adjMatrix, int s, LinkedList<Integer> path) {
		for(final Edge e: adjList.get(s)) if(adjMatrix[e.s][e.d] != 0) {
			if (e.d != e.s) --adjMatrix[e.d][e.s];
			visit(adjList, adjMatrix, e.d, path);

s を始点とし,t を終点とするオイラー路が存在するためには

  • すべての頂点の相対出次数が 0 \cdots (A)
  • s の相対出次数が 1, t の相対入次数が 1 で,残りが 0 \cdots (B)


public static class DirectedEG {
	private static class Result {
		int src = -1, dst = -1, arcNum = 0, deg[];
		private Result(int numNode) { deg = new int[numNode]; }
		private boolean isEulerGraph() { return src == -1 /*&& dst == -1*/; }
	 * Calculates (semi) Euler path. O(|A|)
	 * @param adjList 	adjacency list
	 * @param src		start node
	 * @return		Euler Path. emptyIntegerList -> Euler Path (with start node s) doesn't exists.
	public static List<Integer> eulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int src) {
		return buildEulerPath(adjList, src, isEulerGraph(adjList));
	 * Calculates (semi) Euler path.O(|A|)
	 * @param adjList	adjacency List
	 * @param s		start node
	 * @param g		goal node
	 * @return		Euler Path. emptyList -> Euler Path (with start node s, goal node g) doesn't exists.
	public static List<Integer> eulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int src, int dst) {
		List<Integer> path = buildEulerPath(adjList, src, isEulerGraph(adjList));
		return !path.isEmpty() && path.get(path.size() - 1) == dst ? path : Collections.<Integer>emptyList();
	 * Calculates (semi) Euler path.O(|A|)
	 * @param adjList	adjacency List
	 * @return		Euler Path. emptyList -> Euler Path (with start node s, goal node g) doesn't exists.
	public static List<Integer> eulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList) {
		Result res = isEulerGraph(adjList);
		return buildEulerPath(adjList, (res != null && !res.isEulerGraph() ? res.src : 0), res);
	 * Analyzes whether the digraph represented by specified adjacency list is (semi) Euler Graph or not.
	 * @param adjList	adjacency list
	 * @return		Result object or null if specified graph is not (semi) Euler graph.<br>
	 * 			※If target graph has Euler cycle, Result.src and Result.dst are -1.
	private static Result isEulerGraph(List<List<Edge>> adjList) {
		int n = adjList.size();
		Result ret = new Result(n);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
			int outDeg = adjList.get(i).size();
			ret.arcNum += outDeg;
			for (Edge e : adjList.get(i)) ret.deg[e.d]--; //in-deg
			ret.deg[i] += outDeg; //out-deg
		boolean isEG = true, isSemiEG = true;
		for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < n && isSemiEG; ++i) {
			if (ret.deg[i] == -1) {
				if (ret.dst == -1) ret.dst = i;
				else isSemiEG = false;
			} else if (ret.deg[i] == 1) {
				if (ret.src == -1) ret.src = i;
				else isSemiEG = false;
			} else if (ret.deg[i] != 0) {
				isEG = false;
			if (k > 2) isSemiEG = false;
		return (isEG || isSemiEG) ? ret : null;
	 * Creates (semi) Euler path.
	 * @param adjList	adjacency list
	 * @param s		source node
	 * @param result 	result of isEulerGraph()
	 * @return		(semi) Euler path or Empty list if Euler path (with start node s) doesn't exist.
	private static List<Integer> buildEulerPath(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int s, Result result){
		int n = adjList.size();
		if (result != null && (result.isEulerGraph() || result.src == s )) {
			LinkedList<Integer> path = new LinkedList<Integer>();
			int[][] adj = new int[n][n];
			for(List<Edge> l: adjList) for(Edge e: l) ++adj[e.s][e.d];
			visit(adjList, adj, s, path);
			if(path.size() == result.arcNum + 1) return path; //connected
		return Collections.emptyList();
	private static void visit(List<List<Edge>> adjList, int[][] adjMatrix, int s, LinkedList<Integer> path) {
		for(final Edge e: adjList.get(s)) if(adjMatrix[e.s][e.d] != 0) {
			visit(adjList, adjMatrix, e.d, path);